Foods to give parrots to talk to

 Foods to give parrots to talk to.Do parrots talk?

Parrots are birds that can talk like humans.That is why everyone loves to raise parrots.Parrots are birds that are very attuned to humans and have the ability to talk like humans.Do parrots talk?Parrots speak according to the way raise them.In the past it was said that there was a misconception that if sugarcane leaf were given, their tongue would become thinner and they would be able to speak.Never so. No matter how thin the tongue, they speak as if they were grow.If they are words that are heard regularly, they have the ability to catch and mimic.No matter what parrots we buy, we do not have to give them any material to talk not want to scare the parrots.All we have to do for the parrots to talk is not to scare them as much as possible.Do not create a situation to scare them in any way.When they are scared because of us, they are less likely to adapt.Then when they see us they are scared and go to one side of the cage and keep quiet.So one thing we should always pay attention to is not to be intimidated.When climbing the cage there and taking the cage out, it should be taken in a painless manner.The more time they spend with the parrots, the more they adapt to us, the more our fears change and the more they realize that they are safe.These are never quick-talking birds. It will take them at least a year to talk.Give good food Give good hive.Control when giving food. Never fill your stomach on a single trip and feed at regular intervals.This gives them an attitude to see us regularly and to give them food when they see us and become more in tune with us. Then their fears change.They talk as if we were growing up, the more we interact with them, the more they fit in and talk with us.Place their nest in such a way that we can see them regularly and make individual noises from time to time.It is enough to never hurt or intimidate them.

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