Specify rivets The common types of rivets and state their uses Rivets are cylindercal …
The different bending tools The uses of twisting and scroll bending The prevention of …
The types of metals used in sheet metsl work The uses of the different types of meta…
.Name the fuels used in hand forging . qualities of a good forge fire . the correct me…
. function of a forge . the parts of a forge and state their functions . identify the …
The necessary of preheating high speed steel The hardening process of high speed ste…
. state the process of case hardening by gas nitriding . state the process of case har…
. n ame four different types of surface hardening process . the purpose of case harden…
. advantage and disadvantage of hot working metal . advantage and disadvantage of cold…
. meaning of friction . advantage and disadvantage of friction . different types of fr…
. the principle of hardening . the effect of the carbon content in hardening . the pro…
. effect of carbon on the mechanical properties of steel. Steel can be defined as an …