. purpose of heat treatment . purpose of annealing . difference between the processess…
. structural changes of plain carbon steel while heating . the structural changes of…
. The different methods of identifying ferrous metals and alloys . state how non ferro…
The principle of the L. D converter Name the raw materials used for the charge in L.D …
.The different manufacturing processes of steel . manufacturing process of steel by th…
Colouring of metals . methods of colouring by heat .different methods of colouring m…
. different angles formed at the cutting edge of tools . the important of clearance an…
Different types of cutting saws Advantages of a horizontal band saw Different types of…
Features of power hacksaw features of a power hacksaw . correct blade of different typ…
. parts of a telescopic gauge . constructional features of telescopic gauges . parts o…
Wrought iron manufacturing process of wrought iron . properties and uses of wrought ir…
. different types of cast iron . properties of each type cast iron Cast iron is an all…
. commonly used ferrous metals . main raw materials used for the smelting of pig-pron …
Plastics . types of plastics . differentiate between thermoplastics and thermosetting …
Lathe accessories -4 jaw and 3 jaw chuck . corridor of a 4 jaw chuck and 3 jaw chuck…
Feed mechanism of lathe . the parts of the feeding mechanism . functional features o…